Albums of memories never retired to take care of my childhood moments. My faces were scattered all the pages. Small, chubby and funny. Now, I start to compare those pictures with myself currently. Of course differences are the main issue. But, what about myself in the next ten years?
That question keep arise in my mind. Is that normal? Well, I am just a teenager. A teenager who needs to enjoy her teenage moments. My childhood had past. Teenage is taking place. And the adolescence will come soon. The cycle of life that anyone cannot avoid from.
Maybe it is not too early for me to predict what will happen next. This is about strategies, shaping and recovering my soul . I believe in myself. That is very important. I sure I can walk this path smoothly. In addition, a journey of thousand miles starts with a step.
My life begins at the twilight of June 28 1992. I have passed my studying in standard school in 2 different schools. Then I managed to get 4A's and 1B in my UPSR. Then, I continued my hard journey at SMK Meru. Syukur to Allah that He gave me 9A's in my PMR. And now,I am studying in a boarding school. Wishing to graduate in another one year with flying colours. It is my aim as I was first stepped into this school.
After I had finished my school time, I would like to be transferred to any university. This is the opportunity for me to continue my pre-universities studies. My only dream 'craziness' about this study of living things since I were in form two. Furthermore, the sector of biotechnology is experiencing a great development in Malaysia.
Moreover, as knowledge is the most important thing nowadays, I will persuade myself for at least to achieve a Master in the next ten years. Waiting for the ten years to come can be like a glance of time. At that moment, my age is 26. My age will become older, my friends will get married and my tortoises will die.
Not only that, t that age of 26, all my cousins will become older. Our family family members will expands. I do not ensure that our Hari Raya celebration will be as enjoyable as now. I also think that our houses will be further from each other. Or the worse, if it took us days to reach them. It is beyond of my expectation.
On the other hand, my number of friends will also increases. That is great. I mean, my network of friends will be all of the world. I can learn cultures of India, Australia, Africa and soon. That means, I can have the chance to go round the world. Of all the country I wish to go is Italy. How great will the food taste? Ah, I cannot wait for that.
At that year of 2018, technology will be everything. Myspace and Friendster websites will load with thousands of members. Then, my addiction of these two websites shall fade. Even now I start to feel bored with them. It is because chatting with friends only waste my time. The only benefit of these websites are how they link myself with many friends. I admit that it is true.
After all, myself will become more matured. The way of how a lady thinks will affects all my decisions. I do not want to mess up my mind of how my appearance will be. Time will decide, fashion will show and my Iman will guide. All these prediction can only become reality if Allah give me the strength to do so.
I do not want to give up. My experience of become a loser is enough for me. Losing will never be the same as winning. Down will never copy the behaviour of top. Crying is not like the feeling of smiling. Please ZARINUSE, go ahead! Your journey of life need to be discovered.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
In ten years time
credit to Zarinuse at 6:25 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
My Hari Raya Celebration
Would you like to know about my Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration this year? Well it was not like the one that I had celebrated for like the last 10 years. The dull atmosphere without all my grandparents’ grandchildren produced a non-chaotic gathering. This was because, the short period of school holidays prevents them to come back to their beloved grandparents’ house. Not only that, my uncle from Sarawak failed to buy any aeroplane tickets due to massive number of people who would like to go back to their hometowns.
For me, the most memorable moment of Hari Raya Aidilfitri is the day of gathering of all the family members. We will then cook lemang and rendang together the day before Hari Raya Aidilfitri. While our mothers helped grandmother in the kitchen, we, the children and teenagers helped to sweep the floor, put up new curtains and fill containers with various types of kuih raya. On the other hand, our fathers lit up pelita outside the house which were well arranged to produce creative shapes like cluster of stars if seen from a far distance. The chatting, laughing and giggling while doing these activities not only make us enjoy ourselves but also tighten our relationships.
In the morning of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, everbody enjoys eating those lemang and rendang that were prepared the day before. Then, we will go to mosque for Aidilfitri prayer. I still remember my past time experience of performing Aidilfitri pray in a small mosque near my grandparents’ house. When my cousins and I reached the mosque, it was not crowded with people yet. As the time past by, we, the kids were forced to go to the last saf due to the increasing number of people. The aunties and grandmothers there pushed me and made me almost crying. Luckily my cousins were there to console me. From that time onwards, I never come back to that mosque again for Hari Raya prayer. Perhaps, I asked my father to choose a bigger mosque so that we can concentrate on performing solat.
Preparing ourselves before the collecting duit raya session.
When the clock stroked 9.30 a.m, or when we had perform our Aidilfitri prayer, we were heading back to our grandparents’ home. The forgiving session will begin. This is the best part of the day for kids. This is because, they will gain angpau or duit raya after they ask for forgiveness while shaking their uncles and aunties’ hands. The angpau (paper case) containing a sum of notes. Those who were not married yet will also gain this duit raya from each of their uncles and aunties. The older the age, the higher the sum of the money received. We were queuing to collect the duit raya.
Next, all cameras will be set to snap the pictures of all the family members of each wearing new and up-to-date raya attires. After the house were full of krypton flashes, the people will get ready to go to our grandparent’s siblings’ houses.
The convoy of about 7 cars will move to one house to another. As our grandparent’s siblings’ houses were located around the town, we usually managed to finish visiting all the houses in just a day. The time allocated for us to eat the kuih raya and chatting was just about 15 minutes on each houses. If the rules were broken, we will be late to enjoy special dinner prepared by my aunty.
This is my family’s tradition. We are all enjoy this tradition of eating sour and savory dishes at each aunties’ houses. If in the morning Auntie A who lives in Klang prepared us breakfast, then our Auntie B who lives in Shah Alam prepared us our dinner. The uniqueness of this tradition is that we, the other family doesn’t have to prepare our own meals for that day. Unfortunately , we must prepare meals for them in the next day or so on. This also gives us opportunities to travel outside our hometown without even thinking about the way of getting foods.
credit to Zarinuse at 11:43 PM 1 comments